Donations to the St Peter’s Cathedral Music Foundation go directly supporting our organ scholars, organ and general instrument maintenance, the purchase and commission of new musical works, supporting the magnificent yearly concert series, supporting the Cathedral Choir and the education of its choristers, and ensuring the long term continuation and growth of the music at St Peter’s Cathedral.

Donations to the Music Foundation of $2 or more are tax deductible.
You may donate to the St Peter’s Cathedral Music Foundation in a few ways:
Using the button above, you can donate directly with your debit or credit card, and a tax receipt will be automatically generated for you.

You may use direct debit with the information listed below.

BSB: 705-077
Account Number: 00000193
Reference: MF YOURNAME

If sending via direct debit, and you would like a receipt, please email us at and we will send you a receipt.
Cheques can be made out to St Peter’s Cathedral Music Foundation.


Bequeathing to the St Peter’s Cathedral Music Foundation is a way to ensure that the joy and spiritual fulfilment you have received from the Cathedral’s music lives on for future generations to enjoy. It is a lasting contribution to the fabric of St Peter’s Cathedral..

If you wish to consider a bequeathment to the St Peter’s Cathedral Music Foundation, please contact